Stack operation optimization in Pen

November 13, 2022


Continuation Passing Style (CPS)

Direct style

f = \(x) {
  y = g()

  x + y


f = \(k, x) {
  g(\[k, x](y) {
    k(x + y)

CPS for consecutive function calls

Direct style

f = \(x) {
  y = f()
  z = g()

  x + y + z


f = \(k, x) {
  f(\[k, x](y) {
    f(\[k, x, y](z) {
      k(x + y + z)

CPS in Pen

  • Pen uses CPS to make all functions suspendable.
    • i.e. every function is an async function.
    • Functions are suspended for I/O, synchronization, etc.
  • Pen doesn't support the first-class continuations.

CPS stack

  • Pen uses two stacks at runtime.
  • Machine stack
    • Nearly used other than reference count operations and foreign functions.
  • Heap-allocated stack
    • Used to allocate "continuations" in CPS
    • No need for heap allocation of each continuation

CPS transformation

  1. Calculate environments of continuations.
  2. Compile a direct-style IR to ANF.
    • Using the second-class continuations
  3. Compile Pen-native function calls into CPS.

Function entrypoints

fn function_entrypoint_2<A1, A2, T, F: Fn(A1, A2) -> T>(
    stack: &mut Stack,
    continuation: fn(stack: &mut Stack, result),
    closure: Arc<Closure<F>>,
    argument0: A0,
    argument1: A1,
) {
  // ...
  • Continuations are raw function pointers of their entrypoints.
  • Where are their environments?
    • In heap-allocated stacks!

Function calls

  1. Create a continuation or pass it down from a caller.
  2. Push environment of a continuation to a stack if necessary.
  3. Call a function entrypoint with the continuation entrypoint.

Continuation entrypoint

  1. Pop environment of a continuation from a stack if necessary.
  2. Execute instructions.

What if those continuations' environments are the same or similar?


  • In a continuation,
    • We pop free variables of a, b, c.
  • In its continuation,
    • We push free variables of b, c.

In this case, we don't need to push the environment at all if stack elements are properly ordered.

In general, if stack elements of continuations in a function are ordered properly, we can calculate diff of those and generate codes only to fill the diff.

Stack operation optimization

  • Stack elements are ordered by an ascending order of 2 ^ frequency
    • frequency is a frequency at which free variables appear in continuations throughout a top-level function.
  • When we push environments of continuations, we rather use partial push if applicable.
    1. Pop all unused free variables.
    2. Push new free variables.


  • 5% size reduce in module object files
  • CPU time performance improvement was pretty minimal (~1%.)


  • Reinvention of the wheel?
    • Register coloring and active frame calculation?
    • async generator state machines in Rust
    • In CPS, we can extend and shrink active frames.
  • Do we need minimum memory usage?
    • Tail call optimization + CPS = "stack GC"
    • Just use the maximum environment size throughout a function?
    • Is it more CPU-time friendly?


Stack operations are now fully optimized!


Stack operations in CPS

In Add,

504: 42 00 00 91  	add	x2, x2, #0
508: fd 7b 45 a9  	ldp	x29, x30, [sp, #80]
50c: 29 01 08 8b  	add	x9, x9, x8
510: 08 81 00 91  	add	x8, x8, #32         <-
514: f6 57 43 a9  	ldp	x22, x21, [sp, #48]
518: 28 29 01 6d  	stp	d8, d10, [x9, #16]  <-
51c: 29 05 00 fd  	str	d9, [x9, #8]        <-
520: 34 01 00 f9  	str	x20, [x9]           <-
524: 68 06 00 f9  	str	x8, [x19, #8]       <-
528: f4 4f 44 a9  	ldp	x20, x19, [sp, #64]

At the beginning of Add's first continuation,

2a70: ff 03 01 d1  	sub	sp, sp, #64
2a74: 08 04 40 f9  	ldr	x8, [x0, #8]              <-
2a78: 09 00 00 90  	adrp	x9, 0x2000 <__k_1a+0x8>
2a7c: e9 23 01 6d  	stp	d9, d8, [sp, #16]
2a80: 08 40 60 1e  	fmov	d8, d0
2a84: f4 4f 02 a9  	stp	x20, x19, [sp, #32]
2a88: f3 03 00 aa  	mov	x19, x0
2a8c: 08 81 00 d1  	sub	x8, x8, #32               <-
2a90: fd 7b 03 a9  	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]
2a94: 08 04 00 f9  	str	x8, [x0, #8]              <-
2a98: 23 01 40 f9  	ldr	x3, [x9]

At the end of Add's first continuation,

2ae4: 42 00 00 91  	add	x2, x2, #0
2ae8: fd 7b 43 a9  	ldp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]
2aec: 08 81 00 91  	add	x8, x8, #32         <-
2af0: 68 06 00 f9  	str	x8, [x19, #8]       <-
2af4: 28 69 28 fc  	str	d8, [x9, x8]        <-
2af8: 68 06 40 f9  	ldr	x8, [x19, #8]       <-
2afc: e9 23 41 6d  	ldp	d9, d8, [sp, #16]
2b00: 08 21 00 91  	add	x8, x8, #8          <-
2b04: 68 06 00 f9  	str	x8, [x19, #8]       <-
2b08: f4 4f 42 a9  	ldp	x20, x19, [sp, #32]


  • The first argument (x0) is a stack argument for CPS.


	.p2align	2                               ; -- Begin function _k_1a
__k_1a:                                 ; @_k_1a
; %bb.0:                                ; %entry
	stp	d9, d8, [sp, #-64]!             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	ldr	x10, [x0, #8]
	adrp	x9, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGE+8
	stp	x22, x21, [sp, #16]             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	fmov	d8, d0
	stp	x20, x19, [sp, #32]             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	mov	x19, x0
	sub	x8, x10, #32
	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	add	x10, x10, #8
	str	x8, [x0, #8]
	ldr	x21, [x9, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGEOFF+8]
	ldr	x9, [x0, #16]
	ldr	x0, [x0]
	cmp	x10, x9	LBB6_2
; %bb.1:                                ; %then.i
	lsl	x20, x9, #1
	mov	x1, x20
	bl	__pen_realloc
	ldr	x8, [x19, #8]
	str	x0, [x19]
	str	x20, [x19, #16]
LBB6_2:                                 ; %_fmm_stack_extend.exit
	add	x9, x8, #32
	add	x8, x0, x8
	adrp	x1, __k_15@PAGE
	add	x1, x1, __k_15@PAGEOFF
	adrp	x2, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGE+8
	add	x2, x2, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGEOFF+8
	str	x9, [x19, #8]
	mov	x0, x19
	str	d8, [x8, #32]
	ldr	x8, [x19, #8]
	add	x8, x8, #8
	str	x8, [x19, #8]
	blr	x21
	ldp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]             ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	ldp	x20, x19, [sp, #32]             ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	ldp	x22, x21, [sp, #16]             ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	ldp	d9, d8, [sp], #64               ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	.loh AdrpLdr	Lloh20, Lloh21
	.loh AdrpAdd	Lloh24, Lloh25
	.loh AdrpAdd	Lloh22, Lloh23
                                        ; -- End function


	.p2align	2                               ; -- Begin function _k_1a
__k_1a:                                 ; @_k_1a
; %bb.0:                                ; %entry
	stp	d9, d8, [sp, #-64]!             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	stp	x22, x21, [sp, #16]             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	ldr	x22, [x0, #8]
	adrp	x8, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGE+8
	stp	x20, x19, [sp, #32]             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]             ; 16-byte Folded Spill
	fmov	d8, d0
	sub	x9, x22, #32
	mov	x19, x0
	str	x9, [x0, #8]
	add	x9, x22, #8
	ldr	x21, [x8, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGEOFF+8]
	ldr	x8, [x0, #16]
	ldr	x0, [x0]
	cmp	x9, x8	LBB6_2
; %bb.1:                                ; %then.i
	lsl	x20, x8, #1
	mov	x1, x20
	bl	__pen_realloc
	str	x20, [x19, #16]
	str	x0, [x19]
LBB6_2:                                 ; %_fmm_stack_extend.exit
	str	x22, [x19, #8]
	adrp	x1, __k_15@PAGE
	add	x1, x1, __k_15@PAGEOFF
	str	d8, [x0, x22]
	ldr	x8, [x19, #8]
	adrp	x2, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGE+8
	add	x2, x2, "_Foo.pen:f"@PAGEOFF+8
	mov	x0, x19
	add	x8, x8, #8
	str	x8, [x19, #8]
	blr	x21
	ldp	x29, x30, [sp, #48]             ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	ldp	x20, x19, [sp, #32]             ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	ldp	x22, x21, [sp, #16]             ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	ldp	d9, d8, [sp], #64               ; 16-byte Folded Reload
	.loh AdrpLdr	Lloh20, Lloh21
	.loh AdrpAdd	Lloh24, Lloh25
	.loh AdrpAdd	Lloh22, Lloh23
                                        ; -- End function

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